[Tanzu 운영] (4) 트러블 슈팅: Bosh CA 인증서 생성시 중복오류
2022. 4. 7. 11:00
Tanzu 인증서 교체 시, Maestro regenerate로 인해 인증서가 중복 생성 되었을때
ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-36:~/test$ curl "" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' -i -k
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2022 01:28:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
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Pragma: no-cache
Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
Vary: Accept
X-Request-Id: 14bc7bfb-2765-4a46-8c5f-512f70f8fa30
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Server: Ops Manager
"safety_violations":[{"violation":"certificate authorities can not have a transitional version",
"certificate_names":["/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-121a7bc5537b4832fc01/pxc_galera_ca","/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-121a7bc5537b4832fc01/pxc_server_ca"]},{"violation":"latest certificate authority versions with active children are not signing","certificate_names":["/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-121a7bc5537b4832fc01/pxc_galera_ca","/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-121a7bc5537b4832fc01/pxc_server_ca"]}],
"errors":["failed to create new inactive certificate"]
# latest certificate authority versions with active children are not signing
이 경우는 , 최신 버전의 자격증명의 버전과 해당 CA가 signed 하고 있는 active chiledren이 일치 하지 않는 경우
한마디로 꼬인 상태를 말한다. 이런 경우에는 children들을 삭제해주면 된다.
$ maestro update-transitional remove ca --all --skip-safety-check